Head of School – Boerne, TX

Head of School – Boerne, TX

Job Overview

Job Title: Head of School
Hours: Full-Time
School Year: Training/Mentoring 2025-2026, Active 2026-2027

School Details

School Name: Ambleside School of Boerne
Address: 210 Turner Ave., Boerne, TX 78006
Contact Phone: 830-388-8865
Contact Email: info@amblesideboerne.com


An Ambleside Head of School is first and foremost a lover of Jesus Christ, children and knowledge. Within this relational context, the Head of School is responsible to set and maintain a positive (high-joy), inspirational, and peacefully authoritative atmosphere throughout the school. The Head of School is to train, support and shepherd teachers in providing a “living education”. Through ASI-provided mentoring and resources, school observation visits and feedback, personal study and practice, the Head of School is to become highly competent in leading and promulgating the Ambleside method and to acquaint him/herself thoroughly with the ASI Head of School Manual and curriculum for all grades, holding all teachers, staff and students to ASI’s rigorous standards. In a broad sense, the Head of School is the school’s primary spokesperson and represents the school on and off campus and acts on behalf of the school by professionally and warmly interacting with all students, parents, teachers, staff, visitors and the community at large. The Head of School reports to the School Board.


Personal Qualities


Spiritually mature in Christ, psychologically strong, service and others-oriented, teachable, loving towards all persons (children, teachers, parents), joyful, peaceful in and under authority, inspirational in leadership, growth-oriented, administratively excellent, patient, hungry to know and share knowledge/ideas, intelligent, thorough, punctual, flexible, collegial, articulate, and enthusiastic.




  • Implementing and overseeing an entire school program that conforms to the policy and budgetary guidelines established by the School Board and is carried out in a manner consistent with the Ambleside ethos.
  • Being mentored in Ambleside school leadership through regular contact with ASI, attentive participation in Principals’ conference calls and retreats, collaborating in the ongoing movement of Ambleside Schools International by hosting training events, contributing to the broader work when reasonable, helpful and appropriate.
  • Promoting and inspiring a community of existing and potential parents, teachers, students founded upon the Ambleside educational vision, leading by informed, enthusiastic and genuine example in word and deed.
  • Developing teachers in the philosophy and practice of an Ambleside® education through regular observation and feedback, mentoring, modeling, training, and evaluation; ensuring teachers faithfully follow ASI curriculum and uphold standards for life-giving atmosphere, habit training, lessons and student work; recognizing teacher contributions, making suggestions for growth, identifying areas of critical concern, and/or firing teachers as necessary.
  • Supporting teacher’s professional growth as they seek academic and relational growth in their students. At times, supporting students directly when warranted by a significant degree of student and/or teacher weakness.


  • Bachelor’s degree, (Master’s preferred)
  • Introductory knowledge of Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy from the following essays: “Three Instruments of Education” and “Children as ‘Persons’”
  • Exceptional written and verbal communication skills
  • Strong public speaking skills
  • Solid business acumen, management, and problem-solving skills
  • Basic computer literacy, including working knowledge of Microsoft Office and Google Apps
  • Strong interpersonal, time management and organizational skills
  • Participation in ASI’s principal training and mentoring program (provided by school, travel required)
  • Free and clear results on federal and state background check

How to Apply

Fill out the form on our website, AmblesideBoerne.com/Employment or contact us at info@amblesideboerne.com or call 830.338.8865 for more information.
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