Ambleside Schools International maintains accreditation by highly regarded accreditation agencies.
Ambleside Schools International maintains accreditation by highly regarded accreditation agencies.
In the matter of education, we are hovering round the truth: that education is not merely a preparation for life, but the work of the lifetime is boldly announced. And, given thus much insight, is it conceivable that the education in question is no more than the cramming of a few textbooks? Like religion, education is nothing or it is everything––a consuming fire in the bones.
In the matter of education, we are hovering round the truth: that education is not merely a preparation for life, but the work of the lifetime is boldly announced. And, given thus much insight, is it conceivable that the education in question is no more than the cramming of a few textbooks? Like religion, education is nothing or it is everything––a consuming fire in the bones.

About Ambleside Schools International
Accreditation International (Ai)
A group of highly accomplished leaders in education assembled to discuss the need for a new worldwide accreditation organization – Accreditation International (Ai). It was noted by these individuals that a new accreditation organization must retain the traditional approach to accreditation, which emphasizes a collegial, peer review, and self-study process, while integrating research-based, twenty-first century skills, international benchmarks, and American common core standards.
National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA)
A Consortium of Accrediting Associations for the Recognition of Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Private Schools serving as a national review panel for the standards and review procedures of private school accrediting associations.

Accreditation International (Ai)
A group of highly accomplished leaders in education assembled to discuss the need for a new worldwide accreditation organization – Accreditation International (Ai). It was noted by these individuals that a new accreditation organization must retain the traditional approach to accreditation, which emphasizes a collegial, peer review, and self-study process, while integrating research-based, twenty-first century skills, international benchmarks, and American common core standards.

Mona Brookes, creator of the Monart Method, developed a curriculum built upon many of the same principles as Charlotte Mason — i.e. the nature of possibility for all children – to develop skills in drawing and painting using the habits of seeing and listening in following the directives of an art lesson. Teachers at Ambleside Schools are equipped to support students in drawing and painting through the philosophical principle of possibility for all.

National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA)
A Consortium of Accrediting Associations for the Recognition of Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Private Schools serving as a national review panel for the standards and review procedures of private school accrediting associations.

About Ambleside Schools International