An Ambleside teacher leads students through the ups and downs of everyday life, working together for a common end — growth.
An Ambleside teacher leads students through the ups and downs of everyday life, working together for a common end — growth.
On my arrival at Ambleside I was interviewed by Miss Mason who asked me for what purpose I had come. I replied: “I have come to learn to teach.” Then Miss Mason said: “My dear, you have come here to learn to live.”
CHARLOTTE M. MASON — The Story of Charlotte Mason
On my arrival at Ambleside I was interviewed by Miss Mason who asked me for what purpose I had come. I replied: "I have come to learn to teach.'' Then Miss Mason said: "My dear, you have come here to learn to live."
CHARLOTTE M. MASON — The Story of Charlotte Mason

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An Ambleside teacher is passionate about learning how to nourish and nurture the life of each student. The teacher, in her daily work, shares in a vision for who each student is becoming, and with this in mind, works diligently to bring out the best in each student, providing support for growth and maturity.
At Ambleside, our educators are:
- Fostering a community of joyful belonging where all persons are valued and seen as the Father sees them.
- Living a life of faith in, dependence upon, and obedience to, Jesus Christ.
- Cultivating an active, developing life of the mind, as well as social, psychological, and spiritual maturity.
- Seeking to “bring up” students to intellectual, social, psychological, and spiritual maturity.
- Engaging a broad curriculum covering a broad variety of academic disciplines.
- Working dutifully, diligently, and joyfully in the fulfillment of all responsibilities.
- Partnering with parents in the work of student formation.
- Participating in a community of educators with healthy, God-honoring relationships in an atmosphere of joy and peace
- Receiving feedback humbly, seeking the support needed for personal growth.
We are convinced the best way to help students flourish is to implement Charlotte Mason’s philosophy and the Ambleside Method. Thus, Ambleside teachers willingly become Charlotte Mason’s students and consistently and faithfully implement her method. They eagerly seek to increase their expertise by reading, discussing, practicing, and attending Ambleside’s educational training.
A Bachelor’s Degree
- A major in an academic subject from a liberal arts or sciences program.
- Leadership experience in academic, workplace, or ministry setting.
Current Job Listings

An Ambleside teacher is passionate about learning how to nourish and nurture the life of each student. The teacher, in her daily work, shares in a vision for who each student is becoming, and with this in mind, works diligently to bring out the best in each student, providing support for growth and maturity.
At Ambleside, our educators are:
- Fostering a community of joyful belonging where all persons are valued and seen as the Father sees them.
- Living a life of faith in, dependence upon, and obedience to, Jesus Christ.
- Cultivating an active, developing life of the mind, as well as social, psychological, and spiritual maturity.
- Seeking to “bring up” students to intellectual, social, psychological, and spiritual maturity.
- Engaging a broad curriculum covering a broad variety of academic disciplines.
- Working dutifully, diligently, and joyfully in the fulfilment of all responsibilities.
- Partnering with parents in the work of student formation.
- Participating in a community of educators with healthy, God-honoring relationships in an atmosphere of joy and peace.
- Receiving feedback humbly, seeking the support needed for personal growth.
We are convinced the best way to help students flourish is to implement Charlotte Mason’s philosophy and the Ambleside Method. Thus, Ambleside teachers willingly become Charlotte Mason’s students and consistently and faithfully implement her method. They eagerly seek to increase their expertise by reading, discussing, practicing, and attending Ambleside’s educational training.
A Bachelor’s Degree
- A major in an academic subject from a liberal arts or sciences program.
- Leadership experience in academic, workplace, or ministry setting.
Current Job Listings
Learn more about our Member Schools