Category Traditions

All that we encounter, abundance and scarcity, joy and suffering, the beautiful and the ghastly, become meaningful in our sacrifice to God; it all becomes our offering.
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This week, across the United States from ‘sea to shining sea,’ our Ambleside School communities are taking a pause to reflect and honor our country’s veterans as we do each year.
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What does community look like at Ambleside? A good start would be to look at Charlotte Mason’s “Science of Relations;” right relationships to God, self, others, and ideas.
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As another school year begins, parents and teachers take stock of the daunting privilege of nurturing the inner lives of children; sowing seeds today, in the hope of fruit tomorrow.
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How often it is that we go through life missing the simple pleasures. Our focus is on ourselves; our thoughts, our plans and our concerns–failing to hear the joy around us. Charlotte Mason reminds us to be fully present and to listen. Miss Mason’s idyllic picture of being “in the fields on a spring day” is far from the reality of most 21st century lives. Although being in the fields on a spring day, or most days for that matter, would do us all good.
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The Gospel accounts of the Lord’s Passion, death, and Resurrection have, over the centuries, inspired countless master artists. Such works reveal the artists’ skill and creative inspiration. They also invite a profound sharing in the mystery of Christ’s dying and rising, made present for us in Lenten liturgies. Such artistic masterpieces are visual reminders that Good Friday and Easter Sunday are not distant theological abstractions, but events that forever transform human history, and our own daily existence, if we allow it.
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