Ambleside Schools International Articles

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What is in the Air?

Ideas may invest as an atmosphere, rather than strike as a weapon. The idea may exist in a clear, distinct, definite form, as that of a circle in the mind of a geometrician; or it may be a mere instinct, a vague appetency towards something, … like the impulse which fills the young poet’s eyes with tears, he knows not why: To excite this ‘appetency towards something’ — towards things lovely, honest, and or good report, is the earliest and most important ministry of the educator.

— Charlotte Mason —


I remember a retreat I hosted more than thirty years ago – 40 high school students, a dozen college students, and my faithful parents behind the scenes, cooking and doing the dishes. On the final morning, shortly after breakfast, we began to sing. Drying his hands from the dish water, my father came out to join us. His voice still sounds in my ears, fervent and timid. (He never wanted to bring attention to himself).


“I have decided to follow Jesus.
I have decided to follow Jesus.
No turning back, no turning back.

“Though none go with me still I will follow.
Though none go with me still I will follow.
No turning back, no turning back.

“The cross before me and the world behind me.
The cross before me and the world behind me.
No turning back, no turning back.


An idea wrapped in a relational atmosphere. All my life, I shall carry it as one of those seeds which has shaped me.


This is not only the human condition “on retreat.” But, it is our continuous condition. We are shaped by the ideas that are seeded in us and the relational air that we breathe. And we are continuously exhaling ideas and relational air which those around us will inhale. Parent, teacher, pastor, office manager, engineer, machinist, flight attendant, temp-secretary, everyone creates a relational atmosphere and sows it with ideas. Most frequently, we do so unconsciously. The question is “What’s in the air?”


Bill St. Cyr