Middle School Instructor – Hartland, WI

Middle School Instructor – Hartland, WI

Job Overview

Job Title: Middle School Instructor
Hours: See Job Description
School Year: 2025 - 2026

School Details

School Name: The Augustine Academy
Address: 1100 WI-83, Hartland, WI 53029
Contact Phone: 262.888.0046

Mission Statement

Position Overview


A teacher at The Augustine Academy is first and foremost a lover of Jesus Christ, children and knowledge. Within this relational context, the Teacher is responsible to set and maintain a positive (high-joy), inspirational, and peacefully authoritative atmosphere in and out of the classroom. Every day the teacher is to instruct, expect, uphold, shepherd and specifically train students in “the habits of the good life” (students’ ways of relating to work and persons). Through ongoing training, regular observation and feedback, study and practice, the teacher is to become highly skilled in Charlotte Mason’s “method of a lesson” in classroom instruction. The Teacher is to master the breadth and depth of the curriculum, upholding a rigorous standard of quality and quantity of student-produced work. In a broad sense, the Teacher also represents the school in and out of the classroom and acts on behalf of the school by professionally and warmly interacting with all students, parents, teachers, staff and visitors. The Teacher reports to the Headmaster and/or other designated senior-level leadership staff.


Personal Qualities


Spiritually mature in Christ, service and other-oriented, teachable, loving towards all persons(especially children), joyful, peaceful in/under authority, psychologically strong, growth-oriented, patient, hungry to know and share knowledge, intelligent, thorough, punctual, flexible, collegial, articulate, enthusiastic; fluency and literacy (cultural and grammatical) in the world language of instruction.




Spiritual Life


A Teacher at The Augustine Academy is first and foremost a lover of Jesus Christ. As such, the duties listed in this section are provided for the purpose of self-reflection but are not used as criteria in a professional evaluation; such duties would include but are not limited to the following:


  • Cultivating a personal love for God by keeping a daily devotional practice.
  • Practicing ongoing awareness and dialog with God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—throughout the changing circumstances of each day.
  • Being quick to recognize personal responses that are less than the character of Christ (particularly habitual responses); quick to repent and to pursue growth.
  • Praying daily for students.
  • Initiating prayer (appreciation, repentance, petition) with students spontaneously and at set times (Bible class, lunch, dismissal, etc.)
  • Instructing students in how to pray more maturely (i.e., moving beyond “for a good day” or “to win the game,” etc.).
  • Freely and naturally speaking of Jesus, though never as a tool to manipulate student behavior.
  • Actively participating in a local church community.
In the Classrom


A Teacher at The Augustine Academy is a lover children and knowledge. Classroom duties include but are not limited to the following:


  • Establishing and pursuing positive relationships and communication with each student and parent in their class, protecting the privacy and confidentiality of each
  • Preparing and maintaining an optimal classroom atmosphere (physical and relational) according to The Augustine Academy’s standards and leading children in the proper care of curriculum materials, classroom furniture, and school property
  • Adhering to The Augustine Academy’s philosophy and practice, faithfully following the curriculum, resources and standards for student work provided by ASI (with the approved TAA hybrid distinctives)
  • Tracking and reporting student progress in all academic work and relationships, assisting in areas of weakness through after school tutoring, meetings (with the Headmaster and/or parents) as needed
  • Ensuring the health, welfare and safety of children, reporting suspected misconduct as required by law
  • Encouraging parents to maintain a pleasant, inspirational and peacefully authoritative atmosphere at home for the students’ home instruction days, apt to offer creative suggestions and to communicate about struggle or challenge in the classroom as needed


  • Bachelor’s degree, or equivalent experience
  • Appreciation of children as persons made in the image of God and worthy of respect, generosity, and kindness—and proven ability for this appreciation to show itself in action
  • Comfortable and with proven ability to be in front of a classroom, coming alongside students in their growth
  • Ability to joyfully exercise authority in classroom and with students individually, and work peacefully and responsively under authority
  • A natural curiosity and quick-willingness to share it with others
  • Abiding joy that creates a consistently positive classroom atmosphere
  • A humble, teachable spirit, open to instruction and learning the “on-method” delivery and instruction
  • Thoughtful approach to personal spiritual life and commitment to The Augustine Academy Statement of Faith
  • Alignment with The Augustine Academy Mission Statement and willingness to uphold it
  • Cultivation of gospel-integration into every area of life, and in every subject taught
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Solid business acumen, management, and problem-solving skills
  • Basic computer literacy, including working knowledge of an email interface, Microsoft Office and Google Apps
  • Strong interpersonal, time management and organizational skills
  • Introductory knowledge of Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy from the following essays: “Three Instruments of Education” and “Children as ‘Persons’”
  • Participation in ASI’s teacher training program (provided by school, travel may be required)
  • Free and clear results on federal and state background check

How to Apply

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