Elementary Classroom Teacher – McAllen, TX

Elementary Classroom Teacher – McAllen, TX

Job Overview

Job Title: Elementary Classroom Teacher
Hours: Mon-Fri, 8-4 pm (estimate). Some weekend, nights, and training days.
School Year: 2025 – 2026
Grade Level: K-2 (possibly grades 3-5 or a mixture of these grades)
Subjects: Multiple

School Details

School Name: Ambleside School of the Rio Grande
Address: 1600 Harvey St., McAllen, TX 78501
Contact Phone: 956-733-7328
Contact Email: Office@AmblesideRioGrande.org


Ambleside School of the Rio Grande is currently seeking an Elementary Classroom Teacher for the 2025-26 school year.


At Ambleside, our educators:

  • Are committed to helping families flourish.
  • Passionately support students’ academic, spiritual, and character development.
  • Collaborate to cultivate a school culture of excellence, joy, peace, and respect.
  • Maintain an active, personal faith in Jesus Christ and seek to disciple students in their faith.
  • Love reading great books and engaging deeply with ideas.
  • Enjoy nature, art, music, and a broad range of subjects.
  • Delight in introducing students to what is good, true, and beautiful.
  • Humbly receive feedback and embrace lifelong learning.
If you have a love and loyalty to Jesus Christ and share His heart for children, if you delight in learning, reading, and studying, and if you are developing a passion for Charlotte Mason’s philosophy, we invite you to apply!


Candidates must be faithful followers of Jesus, be in agreement with the Nicene Creed, humbly love learning, hold the authority of teacher, and know or demonstrate an eagerness to come to know Charlotte Mason’s philosophy of education.


Candidates must be willing and eager to live in a community by leading with gratitude, making and keeping commitments, being honest and always hospitable.


Candidates must also possess a bachelor’s degree, teaching certificate is not required.




Additional consideration may be given to those with Art and Music experience.

How to Apply

Contact us at Office@AmblesideRioGrande.org or call 956-733-7328 for more information.


Online Application Link: Teacher Application (check our FB for employment posts).

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