Category Bill St. Cyr

A great power has been placed in the hands of parents and teachers, the power to enthrone the King, to induct the Priest into the innermost chamber of a child’s heart. There is no greater service to be done for a child, no greater gift to be given a child. For what does it matter if a child gains the whole world but loses his soul?
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The work of Christ establishes us as belonging to community, and this shared belonging is foundational to the experience of the Father. We are to be both participants and instruments of belonging, the kind of belonging that creates joy. Charlotte Mason calls this need to belong the “desire of society” and places it among the desires that are both primary and universal.
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Most of us tend to think in terms of the primacy of individual choice in selecting the ideas which are held and those which are rejected. In fact, the dominant ideas which have the greatest impact upon us are caught not taught. They are “in the air” and breathed in, either from the society at large or particularly significant individuals.
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Here is an astounding possibility, if we would believe it, the awakening not just of one soul but of an entire class, not a class of the gifted (socially, financially, intellectually) but rather a class of those who lacked the usual “advantages.”
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From the time of its founding, Ambleside Schools International has affirmed the Nicene Creed as its statement of belief.
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Bringing up children well, even on Christmas, especially on Christmas, requires a measure of reflection and intentionality.
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The Pilgrims defined daily living in relationship with God; He was ever before them, the primary thing for them; lives sustained in Him and through Him.
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Life is so much better when not striving – more delightful… and a far freer, richer connectedness with others.
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For our sake, and even more for the children’s sake, let us not be counted among those who wail and gnash their teeth, for we are on a sacred journey.
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