Category Maryellen St. Cyr

In a world where education often feels like a competition, the Ambleside Method offers a refreshing perspective: a school should be a sanctuary of belonging, joy, and disciplined harmony, where students learn not for rewards, but for the sheer delight of discovery and shared growth.
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With the sudden nature of spring the cool breezes longed to come in through the  windows, and with them, a cacophony of bird songs competing with each other for sound space…
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Knowledge and the mind of man are to each other as are air and the lungs. The mind lives by knowledge; it stagnates, faints, perishes, if deprived of this necessary atmosphere.
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Corporate singing is important for every person. We come together with a shared faith in a shared melody. Make time this Christmas season to carol together with family and friends in the car, at home, at church, and in your neighborhood.
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The English word, advent, derived from the Latin, adventus, is a translation of the Greek word, parousia. In the classical world, parousia and adventus were technical terms for the appearance, the manifestation of presence of a king, a great ruler, even a god to be worshipped. Arriving, the king gifts his people with his presence.
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Life should be all living, and not merely a tedious passing of time; not all doing or all feeling or all thinking – the strain would be too great – but all living; that is to say, we should be in touch wherever we go, whatever we hear, whatever we see, with some manner of vital interest. The question is not – how much does the youth know when he has finished his education – but how much does he care? — Charlotte M. Mason —
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As an Ambleside teacher, we often discuss our “paradigm shift’ – from textbooks, grades, and stickers to “living books,” “narrations,” and “habits.” It’s difficult, for many of us. We’re not just learning about a method of education; we’re learning again how to learn.
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