The parents’ chief care is to supply a wholesome and nourishing education for their children.
The parents’ chief care is to supply a wholesome and nourishing education for their children.
And first, let us consider where and what the little being is who is entrusted to the care of human parents. A tablet to be written upon? A twig to be bent? Wax to be moulded? Very likely; but he is much more––a being belonging to an altogether higher estate than ours; as it were, a prince committed to the fostering care of peasants.
And first, let us consider where and what the little being is who is entrusted to the care of human parents. A tablet to be written upon? A twig to be bent? Wax to be moulded? Very likely; but he is much more––a being belonging to an altogether higher estate than ours; as it were, a prince committed to the fostering care of peasants.

Read the Ambleside Article: Ambleside Schools Launches Expanded Effort to Bring its Homeschooling Mentor Program to More Families.
Learn more about our Homeschooling programs
The Ambleside Schools International’s Homeschooling Program provides parents with educational tools and curriculum which has been tried and tested with tens of thousands of children in Ambleside Schools.
Home Educators experience what it means to educate undergirded by a philosophy through practical ways of creating an atmosphere, training in habit, and relating to knowledge in the homeschool classroom.
Home Educators experience training in varied disciplines of study using Ambleside’s Method of a Lesson. This brings knowledge to their children that provides “material for their mental growth, exercises several powers of their minds, furnishes them with fruitful ideas, and affords them with knowledge.”
Home Educators benefit from their mentor’s thorough, objective counsel, insight in relating to the broad curriculum and the Ambleside Method, and knowledge and wisdom regarding training in habits, approaching and responding to learning, and supporting growth in weaknesses in the children before them. If you desire to provide this beautiful and life-giving education in its fullness to your children, we invite you to contact us to learn more about our service.

Read the Ambleside Article: Ambleside Schools Launches Expanded Effort to Bring its Homeschooling Mentor Program to More Families.
The Ambleside Schools International’s Homeschooling Program provides parents with educational tools and curriculum which has been tried and tested with tens of thousands of children in Ambleside Schools.
Home Educators experience what it means to educate undergirded by a philosophy through practical ways of creating an atmosphere, training in habit, and relating to knowledge in the homeschool classroom.
Home Educators experience training in varied disciplines of study using Ambleside’s Method of a Lesson. This brings knowledge to their children that provides “material for their mental growth, exercises several powers of their minds, furnishes them with fruitful ideas, and affords them with knowledge.”
Home Educators benefit from their mentor’s thorough, objective counsel, insight in relating to the broad curriculum and the Ambleside Method, and knowledge and wisdom regarding training in habits, approaching and responding to learning, and supporting growth in weaknesses in the children before them. If you desire to provide this beautiful and life-giving education in its fullness to your children, we invite you to contact us to learn more about our service.
Learn more about our Homeschooling programs